Internet Marketing is a plan and that Internet Success comes with a plan.

Wealthy Affiliate Review: My Experience After 10 Years


Wealthy Affiliate Free Starter Membership

I joined Wealthy Affiliate in 2014 while searching for a way to make money online. I did some MLM programs for 4 years and was very disappointed in my performance so I went from one program to another and each time unsuccessful.

I knew there had to be something better than MLM or Network Marketing.

So, long story short, I decided to give Wealthy Affiliate a try.  Now let me tell you I hate the word “TRY.”  Why, try has no commitment.  It’s like dipping your toe in the water before jumping in.

I “TRIED” (again I don’t like try) but I tried the Free Membership Program.

My thought was it’s free to look at and with no commitment and no credit card required.  I had to look…curious!

I liked It.

I enrolled into the Premium Membership for much less than I was spending on any of my MLM or Network Marketing adventures.

And while I didn’t get rich overnight, I did learn a unique 4-step process that allowed me to start seeing some early results.

After a few years we have developed a good steady income.  Not spectacular but a good income.

I know you may be somewhat skeptical.  I was and so was many of the other people who have taken look.  But facts are facts….This WORKS.

If your this far, I would like to show you how Wealthy Affiliate’s 4-step process works and how it has the power to take you from a complete beginner to owning a thriving online business.

Best of all it will happen in less time than you might think.

But before I get to that, allow me to introduce myself…

About Me

My name is Bill and my wife is Wendy.  We have 3 grown-up girls, a dog and a cat.

I’ve been in corporate America, owned several small business, radio personally and I’m a master photographer.

My wife and I operated a healthcare practice in my midwest hometown for many years.

My journey into the online world began with me wanting to retire from my practice because of the Many Hours required to operating a business.  Plus all of the state and government rules in healthcare.

Our practice required us to be in the office from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM with no breaks.  Additionally no sick days, no vacations, no time off.  You see when you have a business the “Business Controls Your Life not You controlling the Business.”

If the doors are not open, no customers!

So I started looking for ways to make money online, with nothing more than a strong desire to succeed and a willingness to do whatever it took.

How did that go?

Not very well!

Remember I was in MLM/Network Marketing with no success so that was not an option.

I looked at affiliate programs which seemed better suited to my likings.


Lesson Learned!!

I ended up joining one scam after another – all promising I could make money online quickly and easily following their “Proven System.”

One such Proven System I joined asked for a membership fee of $999.00.  After joining, I was hit with an “Upgrade” to make more money.  The upgrade was $1,500.  I bought it.

Months later came another Upgrade to a Master Marketer.  For only $900 I could be a Master Marketer and get additional coaching.

What the heck….I’m in this far …go for it.

And yes within a year later came another Upgrade.

Looking back over the last 19 months, I made ZERO DOLLARS and spent in excess of $3,000 dollars.

I had enough with all of the upgrades, no results and quit.

The business is still around but has changed it’s name.  That should tell you something.

The sales pages were always so convincing.  It’s like they knew exactly what I wanted to hear. Which is probably why I fell for them (3 in total).

Anyway, one weekend, I was researching online programs when I stumbled across a review from a Wealthy Affiliate member.

I was struck by his honesty and (from what I could tell) integrity. I followed his recommendation and looked at the Wealthy Affiliate’s free starter program.

Before finding Wealthy Affiliate, I was basically a mouse chasing its tail on a mouse wheel. Every program I’d joined up to that point was one big never-ending sales funnel, where the “guru” behind it was just trying to sell me more and more upgrades.

Maybe you’ve joined some of these programs yourself?

They always sound good, but then you join and find out that what they’re teaching doesn’t actually work and that the only one making money is the person selling the program.

And that’s what was so different about Wealthy Affiliate.

There was no overhyped sales page. There were no hidden upsells. I was learning REAL skills. And the people in the community were actually helping me succeed!

After all the programs I joined with zero results, this was a breath of fresh air!

And I was excited because I KNEW that after all that time of joining one program after another, I had FINALLY found something real. Something I could work for as long as I wanted.

That’s all I really wanted.

I wasn’t looking to get rich quickly. I just wanted something that worked!

And that’s what I found.

Stuck To The Training

More specifically, I discovered Wealthy Affiliate and their unique 4-step process:

I stuck to the training and started building my business. And within a few short months, I made my very first commission.

It wasn’t much, but I was hooked!

So I kept on moving forward, following the training, completing one lesson after another, and built a good income in about 18-24 months.


Aside from financial freedom, affiliate marketing and Wealthy Affiliate can give you time and freedom, which means you get to actually enjoy your money and your life rather than being a slave.

That is a quick story about me and Wendy.

That’s why I’m so passionate about sharing Wealthy Affiliate with others.

Because it actually works!

Even if you’re a complete beginner and don’t have a lot of money to get started, Wealthy Affiliate can give you a path to building a highly successful affiliate marketing business.

And it all comes down to the unique 4-step process Wealthy Affiliate will teach you.

You can check it out by looking at the Free Starter Membership.  No Credit Card Required and No obligation….Just A Free Look.

Have a great day and a successful Affiliate Business






Here are a few comments:

About the Author


Bill Fletcher is an experienced marketer and coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a business through a systematic approach to success. With a professional team of experts, we will guide you with some of the best articles and coaching program available anywhere. I have available some of the best coaches in the area of affiliate marketing willing to help and guide you to success. it is safe to assume that I am an affiliate for products that I recommend. Please note that I will make a commission if you buy through my link.

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