The 4-Step Process You Need To Build A Successful Online Business

This look at building a successful online business is from someone who is doing just that.

My name is Bill Fletcher and for over the last 10 years my wife Wendy and I have been building an online business but not with out some frustrations.

There are many ways you can make money online, but affiliate marketing beats them all because it’s a simple, low-cost business model that you can scale to ANY level you want.

What I like about affiliate marketing is that you never have to buy inventory, deal with customers, ship anything, recruit distributors, have home meetings, pressure people to buy your product … none of that stuff. All you do is Recommend Quality Products and services people in your niche are Already Interested in and buying, from vendors they are already buying from, and you earn commissions when a sale takes place.

It’s a very straightforward, proven business model.

Now, with that said, it only works when you follow the right process. Otherwise, you could end up spending months (even years) doing it the wrong way, making mistakes, learning bad habits, and making no money at all.

Been there, done that

This Is Where The Following 4-Step Process Comes Into Play

This is a proven formula, and business model for building a successful affiliate marketing business, and it’s one that anyone can follow.

How do I know?  I’ve tried MLM/Network Marketing for years without any success.

I tried to start various home business without any success.

I tried several online business without any success.

I then looked at Affiliate Marketing as a business model, and it had some things I was impressed with as well as easy to start and grow in my time frame.

I went from a “newbie” to building a good successful home business from through what I learned from affiliate marketing companies.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Affiliate marketing is a really simple business model.  In fact affiliate marketing has been around for many years and has continued to grow.  Today this is one of the best business model you can get started with little money (as you will soon see) and build anywhere in the world.

Here’s a quick 4-step overview of how Affiliate Marketing works:

  • Choose an Interest: The first step is to choose a niche for your business (aka baby shoes, clothing, automotive…the list is endless). And because the opportunity is so massive you can choose any niche you love.  It could be a hobby or something that gets you excited and motivated.  It only takes ONE idea to create a highly successful online business.  With the invent of AI, you can also use AI to choose a niche, which I will explain shortly).
  • Build a Website: Every successful business starts with a website. This is where you will be getting visitors (traffic) and recommending products they are already interested in buying. It’s essentially the “storefront” of your online business. And as I’ll explain in a moment, with the right platform, you can have a profit-ready website up and running in as little as 30 seconds!
  • Attract Visitors: The third step is getting traffic to your site because when you have visitors, you can turn them into customers. There are over 6 BILLION people online, and more and more people are shopping online than ever before. Even a “tiny” slice of this traffic can be the basis of a highly successful affiliate business.
  • Earn Revenue: The fourth step is where you earn commissions recommending products your visitors are already interested in buying. There are close to 600 MILLION products and services you can promote as an affiliate, so the opportunity is virtually endless!

This is a simple easy  process of how the most successful affiliates make money – because it works.

$17 Billion has been spent on affiliate marketing globally, and that figure is expected to rise to over $27 Billion by 2027.

So the opportunity to make money online for you is absolutely massive.

Even if you get 1/2 of .01% thats $170,000,000 and there is no stoping this growth.

But how do you get your part of this growth?

You Can Choose From Several Options

One way you could take is to “go it alone.”

There are plenty of YouTube videos available, and a lot companies selling business opportunities.

Personally I wouldn’t recommend “going it alone.”  Your success rate is low, mistakes high, wasted time high, frustration very high, disappointment high.

If you want to become a successful affiliate marketer using the simple 4-step process, then there are certain things you are going to need:

  • You will NEED a proven step-by-step training, and coaching from real affiliate experts
  • You will NEED a websites, and tools that are built specifically for affiliate marketing
  • And you will NEED support, from experts to help you along the way, so you don’t make costly mistakes

After many hours, days, and months of research, here is only ONE platform in the affiliate business that has the training, coaching, tools, mentoring, support that is specifically designed to help you master the 4-Step Process above.

And that company is Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate (WA)

There are many companies available to you for learning successful affiliate marketing, however Wealthy Affiliate is by far the “Go To” company.

In fact if you Google affiliate companies, a lot of these companies will try to emulate Wealthy Affiliate but come short in content and success.

Think of Wealthy Affiliate as the “vehicle” that will get you from where you are now to owning a successful affiliate marketing business in a relatively short time.

What do you get when you join Wealthy Affiliate, and more important, how can Wealthy Affiliate help you build a highly profitable online business that you can scale to any level you want.

How Can Wealthy Affiliate Help You Build A Successful Affiliate Marketing Business?

First off, Wealthy Affiliate gives you everything you need to build a successful affiliate business under one membership, and that is part of what makes this program so great.

Instead of selling re-hashed information – WA gives you everything you could ever need to start, run, and grow a successful affiliate marketing business.

It is a know fact that Wealthy Affiliate is the most comprehensive platform in the industry!

And when you look at everything Wealthy Affiliate provides, the business model falls into all these categories:

  • Step-By-Step, Affiliate Training
  • State of the Art Tools & Resources
  • Expert Coaching, Mentoring, and Support

Let’s look at each of these models, so you know what the platform is about, how it works, and how it can help YOU build your own successful business.

Step-By-Step, Affiliate Training

Well know fact, Wealthy Affiliate has the most comprehensive affiliate marketing training in the industry. Not only are there 1,000s of training resources covering every aspect of affiliate marketing, but the training is always being updated to keep you ahead of the curve, and is easy to digest.

The “core” training is called the “Online Entrepreneur Certification (OEC)” course.

This course is designed to walk you through every aspect of building an online affiliate marketing business, from choosing your niche and building your site, to getting traffic, making sales, and scaling up your business.

There are also Live weekly classes taught by REAL affiliate experts on a range of topics like artificial intelligence (AI), SEO, YouTube, WordPress, PPC marketing, and more.

And there are many “over the shoulder” case studies you can benefit from.

So, whether you’re brand new to affiliate marketing and want step-by-step instruction to get started or you are already successful and want to scale things up, Wealthy Affiliate has the training you need, and looking for.

Unlike many other online courses which are normally generic videos, Wealthy Affiliate provides you with high-value, up-to-date training by real affiliate experts that will actually help you succeed as an affiliate marketer.

State of the Art Tools & Resources

If you want to start an online business, then you are going to need the necessary Tools, and Resources to implement what you learn, and get your business up and running.

All the Tools, Resources and Support are all provides to you as well as expert advice from well know affiliate experts.

As a member here is a sample of what you can expect from your low cost membership:

AI Niche Finder tool: This tool is pure gold when it comes to choosing a niche. All you need to do is type in a topic you’re interested in, and it INSTANTLY gives you a list of awesome niche ideas using the power of AI. It even helps you come up with great brand ideas for your business!

I know from experience, there is nothing else like this in the entire affiliate marketing industry, and this is what you get access to inside WA.

Website Platform: Your website is the foundation of your business, and Wealthy Affiliate has created a platform dedicated to making the process of building and running your site EASY. It’s so straightforward that you can have your site up and running in just 30 seconds. Fully hosted and on your very own domain. Everything is seamlessly integrated into the platform.

Marketing Research: In order to make sales as an affiliate, you need traffic. And in order to get high-quality, free traffic to your site, you first need to understand what your audience is searching for within the online world. And that’s where Wealthy Affiliate’s suite of marketing research tools (called Jaaxy and Alphabet Soup X) come into play. Having these tools in your toolbox gives you an almost “unfair” advantage over the competition.

Affiliate Program Search Portal: There are 100s of millions of products and services you can promote as an affiliate, so to make it easier to find awesome affiliate programs, Wealthy Affiliate has developed an affiliate program search portal that brings together all of the top offers from many different companies and niches in one place. All you need to do is type in your niche, and you will be connected to some of the best, highest-converting offers in your niche within seconds.

What make this program the best in the affiliate industry is there is a tool within Wealthy Affiliate to help you with EVERY aspect of building, running, and growing your affiliate marketing business.

From choosing a niche and building your site to getting traffic, and creating highly effective promotions.

No other platform in the industry gives their members such a comprehensive toolkit to build their business.

Wealthy Affiliate has invested millions of dollars into these with the sole purpose of helping each, and every member turn their online business dream into reality.

Expert Coaching and Mentoring

It’s one thing to have the best training, and tools in the affiliate marketing industry, but we ALL have questions along the way, especially when we are first getting started.

And that’s why you need expert coaching, support, and mentorship from real industry experts, which is exactly what Wealthy Affiliate provides to you.

Wealthy Affiliate has the most vibrant, active community in the industry, with over 2.7 MILLION members and counting! And as a member, YOU get to take full advantage of this.

Not only do you have an entire community you can reach out to whenever you like, but there is also dedicated website support available 24/7 for any technical questions.

And you have direct access to the founders of the platform, Kyle and Carson!

This one aspect of Wealthy Affiliate alone makes it worth many (many) times the price because these guys are real industry experts. I know because I’ve asked for help and they have provides advice, and suggestion within hours of my request.


As a member of Wealthy Affiliate, there are endless ways you can get support, help, mentoring, and coaching from within the platform.

Here’s something no orther company offers:  You can take a “Look See” with out any commitment, credit card or obligation with Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership.

When you are completely satisfied with your “Look See” you can become a member with a very low cost program with all the benefits I’ve mentioned.

As I mentioned, this is by far the very best program available and at a fraction of the cost of other programs.

I’ve been a member for 10 years and never have I looked back at my decision to becoming a member.

I highly recommend you look at Wealthy Affiliate and become member.


About the Author


Bill Fletcher is an experienced marketer and coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a business through a systematic approach to success. With a professional team of experts, we will guide you with some of the best articles and coaching program available anywhere. I have available some of the best coaches in the area of affiliate marketing willing to help and guide you to success. it is safe to assume that I am an affiliate for products that I recommend. Please note that I will make a commission if you buy through my link.

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