Online Marketing Made Simple | Bill Fletcher

In the world of marketing nothing can be simpler or more complex as Online Digital Marketing.  This short online marketing made simple by me, Bill Fletcher will outline some simple ideas.

As I said, this is a short article, but to the point on this complex marketing program.Internet Marketing is a plan and that Success comes with a plan

Marketing Is Not Well Understood

Let’s first clear up marketing and sales.

Sales needs marketing and marketing needs sales.

Sales is NOT marketing as many believe.  Sales is a revenue producing entity, while marketing is the media to produce sales.

Watch a TV program and you will see Ads.  Annoying as they are, the ad does not produce sales.  The ad is the marketing that results in a sale.

Read a magazine.  In the magazine you will see ads.  The ads are the marketing part of the companies strategy to produce sales.

You see an ad about Hot Dogs.  The idea of the ad is the next time you go shopping you will pick-up that Hot Dog package.

The ad was Marketing.  The picking-up of the Hot Dog packaging was the sales.

While marketing and sales are not the same, they need each other to keep the business alive.

Getting a degree in marketing is using understanding trends, social media, and ads to create a sale.

Getting a degree in sales is learning how people act, how people purchase, different types of people, and the psychology of people.

Marketing and Sales Class

I was in a marketing and sales class with marketing and sales people, about 50 were in the class

The presenter asked all of us to write on a pice of paper the definition of marketing people and the definition of a sales person.

The results went like this:

Marketers defined sales people as extroverts, high priced suits, shirts, unlimited spending accounts, polished shoes, slick, and drinkers.

Sales people defined marketers as, nerds, wearing glasses, rolled up shirt sleeves, over sized pants, stained shirts, and a 9-5 worker.

Neither knew what the other was actually doing.

We Need Marketing To Produce Sales

In today’s competitive online environment, it is vital to stay at the cutting edge of marketing strategies.

The internet brings unprecedented opportunities for businesses, no matter their size, to reach out to new customers, showcase their products and services, and ultimately increase their sales.

Online or digital marketing is the combination of traditional marketing strategies such as advertising, search engine optimization, social media promotion, and content marketing.

Everything is done in order to help businesses increase their visibility and reach more customers and more sales.

How To Market Your Business and Produce Sales

As an Internet business you need to be both a marketer and a sales person.

Being both a marketer and sales, you must also understand the importance of creating good customer relationships.

It is essential to build your brand, create loyalty, and trust among your consumers.

This can be achieved by providing helpful content, understand how you can solve your customers problems, provide a solution, and engaging in dialogue with customers.

I wanted to introduce you to the vast world of online digital marketing and arm you with the tools and knowledge required to apply it to your own business.

Below, I’ve outlined some of the key elements for a successful online digital marketing campaign:

• Create a plan: Outline your goals, what you need to do to meet your goals as well as a strategy for achieving them.

• Analyze the competition: Understand what the competition is doing to reach out to customers, and how to differentiate your business and campaigns.

• Utilize SEO, and keywords: Use search engine optimization to help target potential customers.

• Craft well-written content: Engaging, and well-written content is essential for drawing in customers, and keeping them engaged.

• Leverage social media: Use social media to increase communication, and build relationships with your customers.

• Measure success: Track the success of your campaigns, and measure their effectiveness.

My hope this article has been helpful in introducing you to the exciting world of online digital marketing.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, I wish you the best of luck!

Happy Marketing!

About the Author


Bill Fletcher is an experienced marketer and coach. My goal is to help anyone who is interested in building a business through a systematic approach to success. With a professional team of experts, we will guide you with some of the best articles and coaching program available anywhere. I have available some of the best coaches in the area of affiliate marketing willing to help and guide you to success. it is safe to assume that I am an affiliate for products that I recommend. Please note that I will make a commission if you buy through my link.

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